long ago ideas

“When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago." - Friedrich Nietzsche. Long ago, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery conquered false claims that the Book of Mormon was fiction or that it came through a stone in a hat. But these old claims have resurfaced in recent years. To conquer them again, we have to return to what Joseph and Oliver taught.

Friday, December 27, 2024

2024 thoughts on Cumorah

At the end of 2024, it's interesting to review some discussions about the setting of the Book of Mormon that have taken place on social media. 

Discussion of alternatives can be productive in teaching us how to sedulously pursue clarity, charity and understanding without contention. Contention arises from the compulsion to have others agree with us, which is obviously contrary to the spirit of unity. Instead, we can find unity in diversity. 

Faithful Latter-day Saints agree that the message of the Book of Mormon is more important than where it took place, but that's axiomatic. It's not a rational argument for ignoring the setting because obviously, lots of things that are important are not as important as more important things. 

Some LDS say that if the setting was important, the Lord would have revealed it. But that's mixing two separate concepts: (i) the location of Cumorah/Ramah and (ii) the setting of other events.

Apparently many young and new LDS don't realize that the prophets have unambiguously taught that Cumorah/Ramah is in New York. When he was Assistant President of the Church, working closely with Joseph Smith, Oliver Cowdery wrote the first history of the Church, including details about Moroni's visit and the Hill Cumorah/Ramah. He stated it was a fact that the hill in New York was the scene of the final battles of the Nephites and Jaredites. 


Joseph confirmed that in D&C 128. Thus the issue is whether or not we believe what the prophets have taught.

Some LDS justify their repudiation of what the prophets have taught by claiming that 

(i) the prophets were wrong and were merely speculating, and 

(ii) the Cumorah in New York doesn't fit with the geographical descriptions in the text, or is not supported by extrinsic evidence. 

But notice that their claims are based on their own interpretations of the text and the evidence. 

The text itself can be easily interpreted to describe the New York Cumorah/Ramah, and the extrinsic evidence corroborates the teachings of the prophets. After all, Joseph and Oliver were quite familiar with the text--as well as Moroni, Nephi, the repository of Nephite records, etc.

Knowing that Cumorah/Ramah is in New York doesn't resolve the setting of other places and events in the Book of Mormon. This is where discussion of alternatives can help us each pursue clarity, charity and understanding without contention. 

If you're interested in the setting of the Book of Mormon, pay attention to which individuals and organizations promote clarity, charity and understanding, vs those who insist on only one interpretation and refuse to compare alternatives.  

Here are some posts on X from the last year.



I recently switched from the Meso-American team to the Heartland team. It was a slow conversion. Where did Nephi and his brother Jacob dwell? 10 But behold, this land, said God, shall be a land of thine inheritance, and the Gentiles shall be blessed upon the land. 11 And this land shall be a land of liberty unto the Gentiles, and there shall be no kings upon the land, who shall raise up unto the Gentiles. 12 And I will fortify this land against all other nations. (2 Nephi 10:10-12) Most of Latin America did not get their Independence until the 1800's. For 300 years, the Spanish Empire would expand across the Caribbean Islands, half of South America, almost all of Central America, and the southern part of North America. Central America: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama South America: Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina, and parts of Colombia, Venezuela, and Brazil Caribbean islands: Española, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Cuba


After more than 40 years of research regarding Book of Mormon geography, I have very strong feelings regarding the places where the events took place, and I can back up my claims. But, I am no longer participating in any discussion regarding this issue. How many times in the Book of Mormon do we see that soon after a contentious issue arises, something disastrous takes place in the country. We are seeing heated debates, of which I have been a vocal participant in, divide the church causing many to question a great many of things. This should not be. I’m urging everyone to just put aside every discussion about geography and just read the book. Everything else is a distraction away from the greatest book on the earth allowing a wedge to be inserted in the midst of all of us, causing us to not be as one. I don’t care what side you’re on, please drop it. Let’s stick with the powerful messages that it contains and remember the fact the church leadership has said that there is no revelation given regarding actual locations. I’ve seen people on both sides claim that the Holy Ghost has testified of the truthfulness of these plans. They are wrong. We cannot receive inspiration from the Holy Ghost on this subject when the brethren have spoken out in such a way. Anyone who claims otherwise has been deceived. Please don’t buy any books, attend any seminars, support archaeological digs, or be involved in these discussions. When the spirit of contention is part of these meetings, the Holy Spirit leaves. I don’t know about you, but I need the Holy Spirit in my life right now. I’m not willing to do anything to cause him to leave. There has never been a time when we needed to be more, “as one“ than right now. This is part of the reason why our adversary keeps raising this contentious issue. If he can keep us separated, we cannot be redeemed in Zion. Zion is our only hope for the future calamities that are coming. Let’s strive to be as one.

This is a good reminder that contention is not worth engaging in. There are also people having polite discussions about this topic and it's really interesting. Is your objection more the contention or the topic?

Striving to be one is not going to happen by not addressing this issue and other issues that divide in the church. Problems in a family cannot be brushed under the rug—they only fester. Trying to understand opposing points of view-good. It can be done without personal insults.

I appreciate what you have said, and I agree with most of it! But... if you read actual transcripts/history of Joseph Smith & Oliver Cowdery they state multiple times where things took place. Its sad that people say Josephs a prophet but won't believe in his own BOM statements.

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