Jonathan Edwards, from Sermons, Series II, July-December 1740
So let all hearken to the call of Christ,
by his word,
and in his providence,
and by his spirit, this day:
young men and maids, old men, middle aged, and little children, both male and female, both black and white, high and low, rich and poor together;
great sinners, sinners against great light, against convictions of conscience, backsliders, old sinners and old seekers, self-righteous murmurers, and quarrelers with God;
those that are under convictions, and those that are senseless and secure, moral and vicious, good and bad, poor, maimed, halt, and blind, prodigals eating husks with swine, vagabonds and beggars in the highways and hedges,
persons of every condition,
and all parties,
and every denomination whatsoever.
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