long ago ideas

“When we are tired, we are attacked by ideas we conquered long ago." - Friedrich Nietzsche. Long ago, Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery conquered false claims that the Book of Mormon was fiction or that it came through a stone in a hat. But these old claims have resurfaced in recent years. To conquer them again, we have to return to what Joseph and Oliver taught.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Commemorating Book of Mormon anniversaries

This time of the year brings us three notable anniversaries:

Sept 15, 1842: The date of the first two Times and Seasons articles that have misled some LDS scholars into believing the Book of Mormon took place in Mesoamerica.

Sept 22, 1827: The date Joseph Smith obtained the plates from Moroni.

Oct 1, 1842: The date of the third Times and Seasons article that claimed Zarahemla as in Quirigua, leading some LDS scholars on a wild-goose chase through Central America.


To commemorate Sept 15, I posted a comment about the RAGS translation of the Book of Mormon, the one used by Mesoamericanists instead of Joseph's translation. In the last few days, I've seen additional variations on the RAGS translation, in which Mesoamerican proponents substitute their own words and phrases to "fix" what Joseph translated so it will "fit" into a Mesoamerican setting. If you don't know what I'm referring to, take a look at John Sorenson's book, Mormon's Codex, Brant Gardner's book Traditions of the Fathers, or pretty much anything published about Book of Mormon geography by FARMS/Maxwell Institute, the Interpreter, or FairMormon (Fairlds). None of these stick to Joseph Smith's translation. If they did, they wouldn't be looking in Mesoamerica.

To commemorate Sept 22, I'm going to release a short book on Amazon/Kindle titled Letter VII: the letter every Latter-day Saint needs to read. There will be a Spanish version as well. I hope that every member of the Church will read this before beginning the Book of Mormon course of study in 2016.

To commemorate Oct 1, I'm going to release a short book on Amazon/Kindle titled The Treason of the Geographers: excerpts from LDS scholars on the Book of Mormon. That one will feature some of the "greatest hits" from FARMS/Maxwell Institute, The Interpreter, FairMormon (FairLDS), BMAF, and other works published by the Mesoamericanists.

What are you doing to commemorate these anniversaries?


  1. "What are you doing to commemorate these anniversaries?"

    I am going to participate in activities that honor the legacy of the Prophet Joseph Smith (such as reading the Book of Mormon) and not get caught up in petty and contentious squabbling with people who happen to disagree with my pet theories about this or that.

    1. I find it interesting that Stephen himself is, by posting this comment, getting "caught up in petty and contentious squabbling with people who happen to disagree with [his] pet theories." Some will just hang on the end, trying to protect their dying dogmatic theories.

    2. Excellent post, Stephen. Let's hope everyone reads the Book of Mormon (along with Letter VII).

      (Note: If everyone had taken your advice and read Joseph's translation, there would be no "greatest hits" for me to publish. It's the RAGS translation that causes the problems.)

    3. Changing the paradigm of the Book of Mormon geography plays in important role for me in understanding the blessings provided to Lehi and his family. I was talking to my Uncle last night, who is proudly mostly Shawnee by blood, was very excited to hear the things that I had learned about this. Over the course of his life, and having lived in the "American Heartland," near St. Louis and having visited the mounds and cities built by the ancients, he started to feel a special connection to the peoples of the Book of Mormon. The promises given to Lehi are being fulfilled on this North American continent and have been for sometime. The revelations and promises given to Nephi, Lehi, Enos, and others have been fulfilled on this north American continent. My skin, it's white. My ancestors are Lamanite, the sons and daughters of Lehi. I am proudly a member of Christ's church. That's why this "squabbling" is much more important than some petty argument about theories-- this is more than one man trying to tell everyone they are wrong-- the Book of Mormon's promises blessings, and the revelations given to the Prophet Joseph Smith are tied to the land.

  2. jonathan3d, is there an email address I can contact you at so I can ask you some questions about the American theory? I tried contacting Rod Meldrum a while back, but to no avail. Unless you wanna answer my questions in this comments section, then that works too.

    1. I'd be happy to talk to you separately. The email I use for this topic is lostzarahemla@gmail.com.
